How Do I return unwanted coins to the bank?
The activity of returning unwanted coins is nearly the same as getting coins to sort, and can be easily integrated into your other process. If a bank turns you down for acquiring coins, but they have a self service coin return machine, or even a machine that only the tellers can use, you can get an account solely to have a “dump bank” as we call it.
The most important thing to remember about returning your unwanted coins is to be conscious of the quantity or volume you bring in. A “dump bank” is almost more important than the bank you pick up coins at. If you lose this part of the activity, it will greatly impair your ability to process coins.
Consider taking $50 to 100 per week to each bank, let coins stack up occasionally if necessary. Remember time is on your side.
Another method is to use a Coinstar type machine in a grocery or department store. Do not use the ones that charge you 9% to drop, as there are some that will allow you to get a gift card with no fees. I have done this when I needed to order from Amazon or even use a gift card at a Lowes. I understand this is limited as you will run out of things to buy long before you run out of zinc to return, it’s just another option.