Heavy Duty Plastic Storage Bins $12 each
These Storage bins come in either “Ryedale Red” or Natural (translucent clear). As shown. They can hold around $85 in rolled coin, and as long as you can pick up this amount, these bins will hold the load. I can stand on these bins and they do not crack or fail…try that with a store bought bin. There are many imaginable uses.

These can be used as sort bins to process your coins. They are stackable and work great around the shop for heavy items including hand tools, tooling for machinery, and general storage, but are wonderful for copper storage. You can loose fill or stand rolled coin on end, and then stack them up to 5 high. You can pick them up and feel confident they will not break.

Canvas Coin Bags
I have available nice used Canvas Coin Bags.
These are lightly used, some like new, but some with some light/medium coloration from handling. These come in various sizes, mostly 12” x 19” some 11” x 17” Bags sizes are close estimates, please see products page for additional pictures.
These can be labeled Cent, Penny, Nickel, Dime, Quarter, Half etc and also be labeled with banking institutions names on them. No guarantee on bag printing, truly totally random. Some do say “U.S. Mint”, which are obsolete, as almost no new general circulation coinage is issued in canvas bags anymore; the standard now is plastic sealable bags. I won’t say these are collector’s items, but if you watch EBay some claim this to be true. You be the judge…
Pricing as follows:
Quantity 30 = $.90 Ea. $38 Delivered to US Addresses(assuming USPS Medium Flat Rate Box like the 70lb penny box ~$11) Customers cost per bag ~$1.266ea delivered
Quantity 40 = $.80 Ea $47 Delivered to US Addresses (assuming USPS Large Flat Rate Box $15) Customers cost per bag ~$1.175ea delivered
Bags are shipped from an associate on the west coast. Buy them here, and I will relay the shipping address to my contact, where they will drop ship them in USPS Priority Flat Rate Shipping boxes to your address. No billing information is forwarded, only your name and address and quantity for shipping purposes.